There is a large variety of places in Skyrim; for reference, see the key of the icons used to mark places on maps. This page only lists some of the most interesting locations in the game. Other places are listed on the following dedicated pages:
- All-Maker Stones — Standing stones found in the wilderness of SolstheimDB
- Barracks — Guard barracks throughout Skyrim
- Bodies of Water — Lakes, rivers, and seas
- Castles — Castles and Jarl longhouses
- Cemeteries — Where the dead of Skyrim are buried
- Dragon Mounds — Sites where Dragons were buried
- Guild Halls — The various headquarters for the guilds of Skyrim
- Holds — The holds (political regions) that make up Skyrim
- Houses — Properties you can purchase as a home across Skyrim
- Inns — Inns, taverns, and places where you can rent a room
- Jails — The jails found throughout Skyrim
- Shrines — Shrines to the Nine Divines
- Stables — Stables, where you can buy horses
- Standing Stones — Magical stones which grant special abilities or powers
- Stores — Merchant stores
- Temples — The various temples of the Nine Divines
- Word Walls — Locations where word walls can be found
- Worldspaces — Exterior areas that are technically separate from the main world of Skyrim
- Other Places — Other places that do not fit into another category
- Unmarked Places — Places that do not appear on the map
Note: The Skyrim-Places category provides an index of all places in the game.
Each city is located in a different hold and is home to that hold's ruler, or jarl. The five largest cities (the major cities) are walled, allowing their maps (or cells as they are called in the Creation Kit) to be treated separately from the main map. Carriages are available for hire outside each major city to transport the player to any other major city.
Fast traveling to a major city places you just inside its main gate, but each major city also has a keep or palace where the jarl resides, which is a separate fast-travel destination and is listed below. Additionally, Riften has a third fast-travel destination once you have joined the Thieves Guild, namely the entrance to the guild's headquarters.
Major Cities[edit]
Markarth — A major city in the southwest of Skyrim near the border of High Rock, and the capital of the Reach. (map)
Understone Keep — An ancient Dwarven keep built into the mountainside, used as a palace by the Jarl of Markarth. (map)
Riften — A major city in the southeast of Skyrim near the borders of Morrowind and Cyrodiil, and the capital of the Rift. (map)
Mistveil Keep — A castle located at the southern end of Riften. (map)
Thieves Guild — The headquarters of the Thieves Guild located with the sewers beneath Riften, known as The Ratway. (map)
Solitude — A major city on the northwest coast of Skyrim, and the capital of both Haafingar and the entire province. (map)
Blue Palace — The current seat of power for Solitude, Haafingar, and Skyrim; and home to the High King of Skyrim. (map)
Whiterun — A major city in the center of Skyrim, and the capital of Whiterun Hold. (map)
Dragonsreach — The residence of the Jarl of Whiterun Hold, the hold's seat of political power, and the location of the hold's jail. (map)
Windhelm — A major city in the northeast of Skyrim near the Dunmeth Pass to Morrowind, and the capital of Eastmarch. (map)
Palace of the Kings — A large castle at the far end of the Valunstrad district in Windhelm. (map)
Other Cities[edit]
Dawnstar — A city on the northern coast of Skyrim, and the capital of the Pale. (map)
Falkreath — A city in the south of Skyrim, and the capital of Falkreath Hold. (map)
Morthal — A city in the north of Skyrim, and the capital of Hjaalmarch. (map)
Raven RockDB — A city on the southwest coast of Solstheim. (map)
Winterhold — A city on the northeast coast of Skyrim, and the capital of Winterhold hold. (map)
Major towns and similar important settlements - smaller than a city but larger than a minor settlement, farm, mill, or shack. Towns typically act as small quest hubs.
Dragon Bridge — A small town built near the ancient iconic Dragon Bridge in northwestern Skyrim near Solitude. (map)
Helgen — A small town in eastern Falkreath Hold. (map)
Ivarstead — A small milling town at the base of the Throat of the World. (map)
Karthwasten — A small mining village in the Reach. (map)
Riverwood — A small milling town in southern Whiterun Hold. (map)
Rorikstead — A small farming town in western Whiterun Hold. (map)
Shor's Stone — A small mining town in the pass between the Rift and Eastmarch. (map)
Skaal VillageDB — A small village north-northeast of Thirsk Mead Hall on Solstheim that is home to the Skaal tribe. (map)
Private Estates[edit]
These purchasable estates appear on the map with the same icon as towns. Three are added by the Hearthfire official add-on, while one is added by the Tundra Homestead Creation.
Heljarchen HallHF — A piece of property in the Pale, north of Loreius Farm and south of Fort Dunstad. (map)
Lakeview ManorHF — A piece of property in Falkreath Hold, north of Pinewatch. (map)
Tundra HomesteadCC — A cottage that can be purchased in Whiterun Hold, located just northeast of Battle-Born Farm. (map)
Windstad ManorHF — A piece of property in Hjaalmarch, north of Ustengrav and east of the Abandoned Shack. (map)
Minor Settlements[edit]
Black-Briar Lodge — A large remote building east of Riften. (map)
Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary — One of two Dark Brotherhood sanctuaries located within Skyrim. (map)
Darkwater Crossing — A small mining camp that operates the Goldenrock Mine. (map)
Dawnstar Sanctuary — A disused Dark Brotherhood sanctuary on the shore of the Sea of Ghosts near Dawnstar. (map)
Goldenglow Estate — A honey farm on a group of islands directly west of Riften. (map)
High Hrothgar — A small settlement roughly halfway up the Throat of the World, southeast of Whiterun. (map)
Honningbrew Meadery — A small meadery just southeast of Whiterun, owned by Sabjorn. (map)
Japhet's Folly — Located on the small Rockjoint Island far northeast of Skyrim in the Sea of Ghosts, and is visited during the quest Rise in the East. (map)
Kolskeggr Mine — A small gold mine east-northeast of Markarth and south of the Lover Stone with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Kynesgrove — A small village located on the road south from Windhelm, in Eastmarch. (map)
Left Hand Mine — A small iron mine directly southeast of Markarth with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Nightgate Inn — An inn west of Windhelm. (map)
Old Hroldan Inn — A remote inn in the Reach where Tiber Septim once stayed. (map)
Soljund's Sinkhole — A medium-sized moonstone mine east of Sky Haven Temple with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Stonehills — A small iron mining settlement directly east of Morthal. (map)
Tel MithrynDB — A Telvanni tower settlement east of Fort Frostmoth on Solstheim that is home to Master Wizard Neloth. (map)
Thalmor Embassy — The Aldmeri Dominion's diplomatic mission to Skyrim, located north of Solitude, which serves as the center of Thalmor activity in Skyrim. (map)
Thirsk Mead HallDB — A mead hall south-southwest of Skaal Village on Solstheim. (map)
Whistling Mine — A small iron mine southeast of Winterhold with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Orc Strongholds[edit]
Dushnikh Yal — A prosperous Orc stronghold in the southwest of Skyrim, southeast of Markarth. (map)
Largashbur — An accursed Orc stronghold beset by giants in the southeast of Skyrim, west-southwest of Riften. (map)
Mor Khazgur — An Orc stronghold in the far northwest of Skyrim, west of Solitude and north of Markarth. (map)
Narzulbur — An Orc stronghold in the northeast of Skyrim, southeast of Windhelm. (map)
Brandy-Mug Farm — A wheat farm, a short distance east of Windhelm Stables. (map)
- Corpselight Farm — A small farmstead located in Falkreath. (map)
- Cowflop Farmhouse — A small farmhouse located in Rorikstead. (map)
- Fellstar Farm — A farm in Ivarstead, located across the road from the lumber mill and south of the bridge to High Hrothgar. (map)
Goldenhills PlantationCC — An abandoned farm east of Rorikstead. (map)
Hlaalu Farm — A small farm east of Windhelm. (map)
Hollyfrost Farm — A large farm with a single-roomed farmhouse east of Windhelm. (map)
Katla's Farm — A small farm and stable along the Karth River, outside of Solitude. (map)
- Lemkil's Farmhouse — A small farm in Rorikstead. (map)
- Lylvieve Family's House — A small farmhouse on the northwestern side of Dragon Bridge, located next to Horgeir's House. (map)
Merryfair Farm — A poor, small farm northwest of Riften, owned and run by Dravin Llanith and his wife Synda Llanith. (map)
Old Attius FarmDB — An old abandoned Imperial farm on the outskirts of Raven Rock. (map)
Wheat Mills[edit]
Battle-Born Farm — A farm just outside Whiterun, owned by the Battle-Born clan who are influential in the city. (map)
Chillfurrow Farm — A small farm just outside of Whiterun, owned by Nazeem. (map)
Loreius Farm — A small farm in the Pale, north of Whitewatch Tower. (map)
Pelagia Farm — A large farm south of Whiterun owned by Severio Pelagia. (map)
Salvius Farm — A small farm east of Markarth. (map)
Sarethi Farm — A farm between Riften and Ivarstead that has learned to cultivate nirnroot. (map)
Snow-Shod Farm — A small farm south of Riften that is owned by Vulwulf Snow-Shod. (map)
Wood Mills[edit]
Anga's Mill — A small wood mill built along the north bank of the River Yorgrim, west of Windhelm. (map)
- Dragon Bridge Lumber Camp — A sawmill and lumber camp in the southwestern part of Dragon Bridge. (map)
Half-Moon Mill — A lumber mill that supplies Helgen and Falkreath. (map)
Heartwood Mill — A struggling lumber mill on the shores of Lake Honrich, west of Goldenglow Estate. (map)
Mixwater Mill — A lumber mill on the White River, southwest of Windhelm and southeast of Gallows Rock. (map)
Solitude Sawmill — A wood mill southwest of Solitude. (map)
Remote dwellings in the wilderness. They may or may not be inhabited, and the occupants may not be friendly.
Abandoned LodgeDB — An abandoned shack northeast of Bloodskal Barrow and southwest of Frostmoon Crag. (map)
Abandoned Shack — An isolated house in Hjaalmarch, east of Solitude. (map)
Alchemist's Shack — A small shack south of Ivarstead. (map)
Angi's Camp — A cabin and camp southeast of Falkreath. (map)
Anise's Cabin — A small shack west-southwest of Riverwood. (map)
Cliffside Retreat — A small shack south of Dragon Bridge. (map)
Crabber's Shanty — A small run-down shack on the River Hjaal. (map)
Drelas' Cottage — An isolated cottage at the foot of a mountain in northern Whiterun Hold, and south of Morthal. (map)
Froki's Shack — A small shack southeast of Ivarstead. (map)
Hall of the Vigilant — A secluded lodge south-southwest of Dawnstar, home to the Vigilants of Stendarr. (map)
Hrodulf's HouseDB — An abandoned shack southwest of Fort Frostmoth and southeast of Kolbjorn Barrow. (map)
Hunter's Rest — A shack in the hills near Moss Mother Cavern inhabited by two Elk hunters. (map)
Ironback Hideout — A dilapidated house to the northwest of Solitude, a short distance east of The Steed Stone. (map)
Lund's Hut — A small house located just northwest of Rorikstead (west of Whiterun). (map)
Meeko's Shack — A run-down shack owned by the canine follower Meeko, who has inherited the home from his unfortunate owner. (map)
Pinewatch — A cottage and bandit hideout northeast of Falkreath and west of Helgen. (map)
Ramshackle Trading PostDB — An old shack south of Kagrumez and west-northwest of Ashfallow Citadel. (map)
Redwater DenDG — A drug den supplying Redwater skooma hidden beneath a dilapidated shack northwest of Riften. (map)
Riverside Shack — A small shack east of Gallows Rock and west-southwest of Kynesgrove, along the eastern bank of the White River. (map)
Traitor's Post — A crumbling shack and bandit outpost east of Windhelm, and just north of the Sacellum of Boethiah. (map)
East Empire Company Warehouse — A warehouse on the Solitude docks immediately southeast of the city. (map)
Icewater JettyDG — A small isolated dock far west of Solitude and northwest of Northwatch Keep. (map)
Northshore LandingDB — A small abandoned dock on the northwest coast of Solstheim inhabited by mudcrabs. (map)
Riften DocksCC — An extensive dock located on the western side of Riften. (map)
Frostflow Lighthouse — A lighthouse located west of Winterhold in the north of Skyrim. (map)
Solitude Lighthouse — A stone building on the northern coast of Skyrim that helps to guide ships into Solitude harbor. (map)
Bujold's RetreatDB — A camp east of Thirsk Mead Hall inhabited by Nords exiled from the hall by rieklings. (map)
Dragon Bridge Overlook — A small Forsworn camp on a cliff overlooking Dragon Bridge. (map)
Druadach Redoubt — A small Forsworn camp and cave south of Mor Khazgur. (map)
Haknir's ShoalDB — A small camp in northeastern Solstheim, on a sandbank due northwest of Skaal Village. (map)
Halted Stream Camp — A bandit camp and small iron mine north of Whiterun. (map)
Karthspire Camp — A large Forsworn camp northwest of Old Hroldan Inn. (map)
Knifepoint Ridge — A large palisade-walled bandit camp surrounding an iron and corundum mine northwest of Falkreath. (map)
Last VigilDB — A small outcropping in the Velothi Mountains east of Shor's Stone. (map)
Robber's Gorge — A bandit camp spanning the road from Rorikstead to Dragon Bridge. (map)
Serpent's Bluff Redoubt — A small Forsworn camp and ruin southwest of Rorikstead. (map)
The Karthspire — A cavern in the Karthspire mountain at the southern end of the Karth River valley. (map)
Ashfall's TearCC — A hidden Tribunal Temple shrine to the Goddess Almalexia in a cave north of Raven Rock. (map)
BenkongerikeDB — A medium-sized cave southeast of Saering's Watch and northwest of Headwaters of Harstrad containing bristlebacks and rieklings. (map)
- Blackbone Isle GrottoCC — A small cave connected to the sea, situated on Blackbone Isle. (map)
Bleakcoast Cave — A small cave southeast of Winterhold and directly east of the Shrine of Azura occupied by frost trolls. (map)
Blind Cliff Cave — A medium-sized cave southwest of Karthwasten along the banks of the Karth River containing Forsworn. (map)
Bloated Man's Grotto — A small cave inhabited by spriggans and cave bears. (map)
Bloodchill CavernCC — A vampiric player home in Winterhold, southeast of Snowpoint Beacon and southwest of Alftand. (map)
Bonechill Passage — A small cave containing beasts, located east of Falkreath and to the southwest of Helgen. (map)
Boulderfall Cave — A small cave northwest of Riften containing necromancers. (map)
Brinewater Grotto — A small cave on the coast between Solitude Lighthouse and Broken Oar Grotto. (map)
Bristleback CaveDB — A medium-sized cave due northwest of Broken Tusk Mine containing bristlebacks and rieklings. (map)
Brittleshin Pass — A small passage through the mountains between Whiterun Hold and Falkreath Hold which is occupied by a necromancer and skeletons. (map)
Broken Fang Cave — A small cave west-northwest of Sleeping Tree Camp and south-southwest of Swindler's Den containing skeletons and vampires. (map)
Broken Helm Hollow — A small cave in the southeast corner of The Rift containing bandits. (map)
Broken Oar Grotto — A large cave connected to the sea, located north of Solitude and northwest of Brinewater Grotto. (map)
Bronze Water Cave — A small cave west of Windhelm containing leveled animals. (map)
Brood Cavern — A small cave southwest of Morthal containing leveled animals. (map)
Bruca's Leap Redoubt — A small cave inhabited by Forsworn. (map)
Castle Karstaag CavernsDB — A medium-sized cave on the north coast of Solstheim containing bristlebacks and rieklings. (map)
Castle Karstaag RuinsDB — An icy clearing outside Castle Karstaag Caverns. (map)
Chillwind Depths — A medium-sized cave south of Dragon Bridge occupied by Falmer, frostbite spiders, and chaurus. (map)
Clearspring Cave — A small cave west of Shor's Stone containing a troll. (map)
Cold Rock Pass — A small passage through a mountain northwest of Whiterun which is guarded by a high level troll. (map)
Coldcinder CaveDB — A small cave with two entrances: one via a grate in the Bulwark Jail, and the other through a trap door atop the cliff just southeast of Raven Rock, near the top of the Bulwark. (map)
Cragslane Cavern — A small cave north of Shor's Stone containing bandits and pit wolves. (map)
Cragwallow Slope — A medium-sized cave southeast of Windhelm home to conjurers and atronachs. (map)
Cronvangr Cave — A medium-sized cave southwest of Kynesgrove, inhabited by frostbite spiders and vampires. (map)
Crystaldrift Cave — A small cave south of Riften occupied by leveled animals. (map)
Darkfall CaveDG — A small cave north of Druadach Redoubt and south of Mor Khazgur containing frostbite spiders and trolls. (map)
- Darkfall PassageDG — A small cave only accessible through Darkfall Cave serving as the only access to the Forgotten Vale.
Darkshade — A small cave located just off of the base of the White River waterfall east of Valtheim Towers which is inhabited by trolls and is littered with human remains. (map)
Darkwater Pass — A medium-sized cave near Darkwater Crossing home to Falmer and chaurus. (map)
Dimhollow CryptDG — A medium-sized cave east of Stonehills and southwest of Frostmere Crypt where Serana is trapped. (map)
Duskglow Crevice — A small cave east of Fort Dunstad containing Falmer and chaurus. (map)
Eldergleam Sanctuary — An underground grove and worship site of the followers of Kynareth. (map)
Fallowstone Cave — A small cave northeast of Riften and northwest of Lost Prospect Mine with an exit to Giant's Grove containing leveled animals. (map)
Forebears' HoldoutDG — A small cave southeast of Dragon Bridge. (map)
Forsaken Cave — A medium-sized cave located west of Windhelm which is inhabited by icewraiths and leveled draugrs. (map)
FrosselDB — A small cave on a peninsula east of Haknir's Shoal and north of Skaal Village containing bristlebacks and rieklings. (map)
Frostmoon CragDB — A small camp under a rock overhang south of Mount Moesring and northeast of the Abandoned Lodge inhabited by werewolves. (map)
Frostroot CaveCC — A cave in Eastmarch, north of Kagrenzel. (map)
Glacial CaveDB — A small cave north of Benkongerike, carved into the glacial cliff face along the northeastern coast, containing rieklings and horkers. (map)
Glenmoril Coven — A small cave northwest of Falkreath containing a group of unique hagravens, the Glenmoril Witches. (map)
Gloomreach — A medium-sized cave in the Reach containing chaurus and Falmer. (map)
Graywinter Watch — A small cave east of Whiterun containing trolls. (map)
Greywater Grotto — A small cave far east of Falkreath, located south-southwest of Helgen, containing leveled predatory animals. (map)
Gromm's PassCC — A small cave located in the Rift, south of Forelhost. (map)
Haemar's Shame — A medium-sized cave that is home to vampiric worshippers of Clavicus Vile. (map)
Halldir's Cairn — A small cave southwest of Falkreath containing draugr and ghosts. (map)
Hob's Fall Cave — A small cave on the coast between Winterhold and Dawnstar inhabited by leveled warlocks and skeletons. (map)
Honeystrand Cave — A small cave south of Ivarstead containing bears. (map)
Hrothmund's BarrowDB — A small cave southwest of Benkongerike. (map)
- Iron Tusk CaveCC — A small cave on the island of Giant's Tooth. (map)
Liar's Retreat — A small cave and connected underground cellar northwest of Broken Tower Redoubt and northeast of Karthwasten containing bandits and invading Falmer. (map)
Lost Echo Cave — A small cave near the northwestern coast of Haafingar occupied by Falmer. (map)
Lost Knife Hideout — A large cave that serves as the hideout for the Lost Knife bandits. (map)
Mara's Eye Den — A small cave found on the middle island of Mara's Eye Pond. (map)
Moss Mother Cavern — A small, open-roofed cavernous grove lush with many kinds of flora and fungi, located due north of Hunter's Rest and northwest of Half-Moon Mill which is inhabited by bears and spriggans. (map)
Movarth's Lair — A small cave north of Morthal inhabited by vampires. (map)
Nightingale Hall — The home of the Nightingales between Riften and the Shadow Stone. (map)
Orotheim — A small cave that is home to bandits intent on poaching mammoths. (map)
Pinemoon Cave — A small cave located to the northwest of Dragon Bridge and east of Volskygge which is inhabited by vampires and wolves. (map)
Pinepeak Cavern — A small cave just north of Ivarstead containing bears. (map)
Purewater Run — A small cave south-southeast of Markarth containing slaughterfish. (map)
Ravenscar Hollow — A small cave inhabited by hagravens west of the Thalmor Embassy and due east of the Steed Stone. (map)
Reachcliff Cave — A small cave filled with draugr located northeast of Dushnikh Yal and southeast of Markarth. (map)
Reachwater Rock — A small cave east-southeast of Markarth and south of Sky Haven Temple, containing draugr. (map)
Rebel's Cairn — A small cave located in The Reach between the Sundered Towers and Bleakwind Bluff. (map)
Red Eagle Redoubt — A small cave and two exterior camps east of Markarth containing Forsworn. (map)
Redoran's Retreat — A small cave northwest of Whiterun occupied by bandits. (map)
Rimerock Burrow — A small cave located at the northwestern edge of Skyrim. (map)
Runoff CavernsCC — A large cave in the Reach, west of Lost Valley Redoubt. (map)
Ruunvald ExcavationDG — A medium-sized cave east of Shor's Stone containing Vigilants charmed by the conjurer Minorne. (map)
Septimus Signus's Outpost — A small cave on a small remote icy island off the north coast of Skyrim, where Septimus Signus has made his home. (map)
Shadowgreen Cavern — A small cave northwest of Solitude containing leveled spriggans and animals. (map)
Shimmermist Cave — A medium-sized cave northeast of Whiterun and east of Whitewatch Tower containing Falmer and chaurus. (map)
Sightless Pit — A medium-sized cave in Winterhold occupied by Falmer. (map)
Snapleg Cave — A medium-sized cave northwest of Rift Watchtower occupied by hags and monsters. (map)
Soljund's Sinkhole — A medium-sized moonstone mine east of Sky Haven Temple with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Southfringe Sanctum — A small cave occupied by the conjurer Bashnag and his coven. (map)
Steepfall Burrow — A small cave containing animals on the north coast of Haafingar. (map)
Stillborn Cave — A small cave north-northwest of Windhelm, on the other side of the mountains from the city which is occupied by falmer, chaurus, and chaurus hunters. (map)
Stony Creek Cave — A small cave located in the southeastern corner of Eastmarch that is occupied by bandits. (map)
Sunderstone Gorge — A medium-sized cave west of Bloated Man's Grotto occupied by warlocks. (map)
Swindler's Den — A small cave north of Broken Fang Cave and south of Rannveig's Fast containing bandits. (map)
Tolvald's Cave — A large cave in the Velothi Mountains north of Riften, northeast of Shor's Stone and south-southeast of Ansilvund. (map)
Uttering Hills Cave — A small cave in the mountains southwest of Windhelm occupied by bandits. (map)
White River Watch — A small cave east-northeast of Honningbrew Meadery and southwest of the Ritual Stone containing the White River bandits. (map)
Wolfskull Cave — A medium-sized cave west of Solitude filled with necromancers or bandits. (map)
Yngvild — A medium-sized cave east-northeast of Dawnstar containing draugr and Yngvild ghosts. (map)
Daedric Shrines[edit]
Shrine of Azura — The shrine to the Daedric Prince Azura. (map)
Sacellum of Boethiah — The shrine to the Daedric Prince Boethiah. (map)
Haemar's Shame — A medium-sized cave that is home to vampiric worshippers of Clavicus Vile. (map)
Giant's Grove — The home of a giant tribe that has defiled a shrine of Malacath. (map)
Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon — The shrine to the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon. (map)
Statue to Meridia — The shrine to the Daedric Prince Meridia. (map)
- Abandoned House — A building in Markarth next to Arnleif and Sons Trading Company with a shrine to the Daedric Prince Molag Bal. (map)
Reachcliff Cave — A small cave filled with draugr located northeast of Dushnikh Yal and southeast of Markarth. (map)
- Shrine of Nocturnal — The Thieves Guild's headquarters in Riften. (map)
Shrine to Peryite — The shrine to the Daedric Prince Peryite. (map)
Dragon Lairs[edit]
Ancient's Ascent — A mountaintop dragon lair southwest of Helgen. (map)
Autumnwatch Tower — A dragon lair south of Ivarstead. (map)
Bonestrewn Crest — A mountaintop dragon lair south of Windhelm. (map)
Dragontooth Crater — A dragon lair north-northwest of Karthwasten. (map)
Eldersblood Peak — A mountaintop dragon lair south of Morthal. (map)
Lost Tongue Overlook — A dragon lair south of Riften. (map)
Mount Anthor — A mountaintop dragon lair northwest of Windhelm. (map)
Northwind Summit — A mountaintop dragon lair north-northwest of Riften. (map)
Saering's WatchDB — A dragon lair in the shadow of Frykte Peak on Solstheim. (map)
Shearpoint — A mountaintop dragon lair northeast of Whiterun. (map)
Skyborn Altar — A mountaintop dragon lair east-southeast of Morthal. (map)
Dwarven Ruins[edit]
Alftand — A large Dwarven ruin southwest of Winterhold containing Dwarven automatons, Falmer, frostbite spiders, and skeevers. (map)
ArkngthamzDG — A medium-sized Dwarven ruin southeast of Dushnikh Yal containing Dwarven automatons, Falmer, and chaurus. (map)
Avanchnzel — A large Dwarven ruin filled with Dwarven automatons of all types. (map)
- Blackreach — An immense, naturally lit cavern inhabited by hordes of Falmer and containing the ruins of a Dwemer city. (map)
- Debate Hall — A small Dwarven ruin in Blackreach occupied by Falmer and their servants.
- Derelict Pumphouse — A small Dwarven ruin in Blackreach occupied by a Dwarven spider.
- Farm Overseer's House — A small Dwarven building in Blackreach.
- Hall of Rumination — A small Dwarven ruin in Blackreach occupied by Falmer and their servants.
- Pumping Station — A small Dwarven ruin in Blackreach occupied by Falmer servants.
- Reeking Tower — A small Dwarven ruin in Blackreach occupied by frostbite spiders.
- Silent City Catacombs — A small Dwarven ruin in Blackreach occupied by Falmer.
- Silent Ruin — A small Dwarven ruin in Blackreach.
- Sinderion's Field Laboratory — A small Dwarven building in Blackreach serving as Sinderion's alchemical foothold in the cavern.
- War Quarters — A small Dwarven building in Blackreach.
Bthardamz — A large Dwarven ruin west-northwest of Karthwasten containing Afflicted and Dwarven automatons. (map)
Deep Folk Crossing — An ancient Dwarven bridge over a weir with structures at either end in the northern part of the Reach. (map)
FahlbtharzDB — A large Dwarven ruin east of the Water Stone containing rieklings, albino spiders, oil spiders, and Dwarven automatons. (map)
Great Lift at Alftand — A Dwarven lift to Blackreach located northeast of Nightgate Inn and southeast of Wayward Pass. (map)
Great Lift at Mzinchaleft — A Dwarven lift to Blackreach located south of Mzinchaleft. (map)
Great Lift at Raldbthar — A Dwarven lift to Blackreach located west-southwest of Anga's Mill and east of Irkngthand. (map)
Irkngthand — A large Dwarven ruin west of Windhelm containing bandits, Dwarven automatons, Falmer, frostbite spiders, and skeevers. (map)
Kagrenzel — A small Dwarven ruin southeast of Windhelm containing Falmer. (map)
KagrumezDB — A small Dwarven ruin south of the Temple of Miraak. (map)
Mzinchaleft — A large Dwarven ruin southwest of Dawnstar containing bandits, Dwarven automatons, Falmer, and chaurus. (map)
Mzulft — A large Dwarven ruin south-southeast of Windhelm containing Dwarven automatons, Falmer, and chaurus. (map)
NchardakDB — A large Dwarven ruin north-northeast of Tel Mithryn. (map)
- Nchuand-Zel — A large Dwarven ruin accessed from inside Understone Keep. (map)
Raldbthar — A medium-sized Dwarven ruin west-southwest of Windhelm. (map)
Reachwind Eyrie — A small Dwarven tower east-southeast of Markarth. (map)
Ruins of Bthalft — A small Dwarven ruin south of Ivarstead containing bandits. (map)
Ruins of Rkund — A small Dwarven ruin in the mountains southwest of Riften containing a wispmother and wisps. (map)
Tower of Mzark — A small Dwarven tower in Blackreach. (map)
Giant Camps[edit]
Bleakwind Basin — A giant camp located a short distance west of Whiterun. (map)
Blizzard Rest — A giant camp approximately halfway between Dawnstar and Whiterun. (map)
Broken Limb Camp — A giant camp north-northwest of Darkwater Crossing. (map)
Cradlecrush Rock — A giant camp containing only one giant. (map)
Guldun Rock — A giant camp located near the northern base of the Throat of the World (east of Whiterun). (map)
Red Road Pass — A giant camp south-southwest of Dawnstar and due north of the Hall of the Vigilant. (map)
Secunda's Kiss — A giant camp southwest of Whiterun. (map)
Sleeping Tree Camp — A giant camp west of Whiterun where the Sleeping Tree is located. (map)
Steamcrag Camp — A giant camp south of Windhelm and east of Bonestrewn Crest. (map)
Stonehill Bluff — A giant camp located northeast of Volunruud and due west of the Tower of Mzark. (map)
Talking Stone Camp — A giant camp along the River Hjaal. (map)
Tumble Arch Pass — A giant camp located east of Korvanjund and due north of Shearpoint. (map)
General Landmarks[edit]
Altar of ThrondDB — A landmark due west of the Temple of Miraak adjacent to a cave inhabited by hagravens. (map)
Bard's Leap Summit — A wooden plank at the very top of Lost Valley Redoubt. (map)
Blackbone IsleCC — A haunted island in the Sea of Ghosts. (map)
Brodir GroveDB — A small circle of stones due northwest of Highpoint Tower, with a reaver camp in the middle. (map)
Deep Folk Crossing — An ancient Dwarven bridge over a weir with structures at either end in the northern part of the Reach. (map)
- Druadach Mountains — A mountain range in western Skyrim serving as a natural barrier to separate Skyrim from High Rock and Hammerfell. (map)
Frykte PeakDB — One of the highest points on Solstheim, near Saering's Watch. (map)
Giant's ToothCC — A small island in the Sea of Ghosts. (map)
Gjukar's Monument — A stone monument west of Whiterun, commemorating an ancient battle that took place southeast of Rorikstead. (map)
Horker IslandDB — A large island to the east of Solstheim. (map)
Hvitkald PeakDB — One of the highest points on Solstheim, just west of the Abandoned Lodge. (map)
- Jerall Mountains — A mountain range that stretches along the southern border of Skyrim. (map)
Mortrag PeakDB — One of the highest points on Solstheim, south of Castle Karstaag Ruins. (map)
Mount MoesringDB — One of the highest points on Solstheim, south of Moesring Pass. (map)
Orphan Rock — A wooded valley with a prominent rock plateau at its center, home to a group of witches or hags, led by a hagraven. (map)
Reachwind Eyrie — A small Dwarven tower east-southeast of Markarth. (map)
Ruins of Bthalft — A small Dwarven ruin south of Ivarstead containing bandits. (map)
Ruins of Rkund — A small Dwarven ruin in the mountains southwest of Riften containing a wispmother and wisps. (map)
Sky Haven Temple — A large mountaintop fort that served as the major Blades temple and outpost in Skyrim, now long abandoned and in Forsworn territory. (map)
Stalhrim SourceDB — A small outdoor Nordic ruin east of Broken Tusk Mine and southwest of Mortrag Peak. (map)
Throat of the World — The highest mountain in Tamriel, located southeast of Whiterun. (map)
- Velothi Mountains — A mountain range that stretches along the eastern border of Skyrim. (map)
Weynon Stones — A landmark consisting of a circle of stones. It is located between Korvanjund and Fort Dunstad, just south of the path. (map)
Autumnshade Clearing — A circular glade inhabited by a spriggan and its attending animals. (map)
Clearpine Pond — A pond with a small island, located west-southwest of Solitude, just to the northeast of Pinemoon Cave. (map)
Clearspring Tarn — A small mountain pool on the cliff overlooking Eastmarch, due east of Snapleg Cave and west of Shor's Stone. (map)
Headwaters of HarstradDB — The source of the Harstrad River. (map)
Mara's Eye Pond — A small lake due east of Gallows Rock. (map)
Ancestor GladeDG — One of several ancestor glades found on Tamriel. (map)
Evergreen Grove — A grove of trees concealing a small pond fed by a rocky stream, just southwest of Half-Moon Mill. (map)
Giant's Grove — The home of a giant tribe that has defiled a shrine of Malacath. (map)
Greenspring Hollow — A shallow cave located northwest of Whiterun, near Dustman's Cairn. (map)
Shrouded Grove — A grove with a small cave located in the Pale. (map)
Witchmist Grove — A small shack north of Bonestrewn Crest and south of Kynesgrove. (map)
Brittleshin Pass — A small passage through the mountains between Whiterun Hold and Falkreath Hold which is occupied by a necromancer and skeletons. (map)
Cold Rock Pass — A small passage through a mountain northwest of Whiterun which is guarded by a high level troll. (map)
- Dunmeth Pass — A mountain pass and one of the few traversable roads through the Velothi Mountains between northwest Morrowind and northeast Skyrim. (map)
Moesring PassDB — A mountain pass due northwest of the Temple of Miraak, inhabited by rieklings guarding the nearby Strange Vessel. (map)
- Skybound Watch Pass — A small Nordic tower and ruin northeast of Helgen containing bandits and a giant frostbite spider. (map)
Wayward Pass — A pass through the mountains in the southwest of Winterhold. (map)
Military Camps[edit]
Imperial Camps[edit]
Eastmarch Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp in Eastmarch, located southeast of Mzulft and north of Stony Creek Cave. (map)
Falkreath Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp in Falkreath Hold, located east-northeast of Glenmoril Coven and north of Knifepoint Ridge. (map)
Hjaalmarch Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp in Hjaalmarch, located south of Ustengrav and northwest of Stonehills. (map)
Pale Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp in the Pale, located west of Dawnstar and northwest of Mzinchaleft. (map)
Reach Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp in the Reach, located south of Bthardamz and west of Karthwasten. (map)
Rift Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp in the Rift, located south of Ivarstead and west of the Ruins of Bthalft. (map)
Whiterun Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp in Whiterun Hold, located east of Rorikstead and far west of Whiterun. (map)
Windhelm Military Camp — An Imperial camp set up east of Brandy-Mug Farm for the attack on Windhelm. (map)
Winterhold Imperial Camp — An Imperial camp in Winterhold Hold, located southeast of Dawnstar and northwest of Frostflow Lighthouse. (map)
Stormcloak Camps[edit]
Falkreath Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp in Falkreath Hold, located east of Helgen. (map)
Haafingar Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp in Haafingar, located northeast of Dragon Bridge and south of the Statue to Meridia. (map)
Hjaalmarch Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp in Hjaalmarch, located east of Ustengrav and west of Mzinchaleft. (map)
Pale Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp in the Pale, located southeast of Bronze Water Cave on the south shore of Lake Yorgrim. (map)
Reach Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp in the Reach, located west of Liar's Retreat and northeast of Karthwasten. (map)
Rift Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp in the Rift, located northeast of Sarethi Farm and west of Rift Watchtower. (map)
Solitude Military Camp — A Stormcloak camp set up west of Katla's Farm for the attack on Solitude. (map)
Whiterun Military Camp — A Stormcloak camp set up east of Pelagia Farm for the attack on Whiterun. (map)
Whiterun Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp in Whiterun Hold, located south of the Ritual Stone and east of White River Watch. (map)
Winterhold Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp in Winterhold Hold, located northeast of Windhelm and south of Snow Veil Sanctum. (map)
Military Forts[edit]
Civil War Forts[edit]
Fort Amol — A medium-sized fort northwest of Darkwater Crossing initially occupied by warlocks. (map)
Fort Dunstad — A large fort south of Dawnstar, initially occupied by bandits. (map)
Fort Greenwall — A large fort south-southeast of Shor's Stone, northwest of Riften, initially occupied by bandits. (map)
Fort Greymoor — A medium-sized fort west of Whiterun initially occupied by bandits. (map)
Fort Hraggstad — A medium-sized fort north of Dragon Bridge, initially occupied by bandits. (map)
Fort Kastav — A medium-sized fort northwest of Windhelm on the main Whiterun-Winterhold road, initially occupied by warlocks and skeletons. (map)
Fort Neugrad — A medium-sized fort southeast of Helgen, initially occupied by bandits. (map)
Fort Snowhawk — A medium-sized fort just west of Morthal, initially occupied by necromancers and skeletons. (map)
Fort Sungard — A large fort located strategically at the crossroads between the Reach, Whiterun Hold, and Falkreath Hold, initially occupied by Forsworn. (map)
Fort Settlements[edit]
Castle VolkiharDG — A large castle on an island far northwest of Solitude connected to Volkihar Keep. (map)
- Volkihar CourtyardDG — The courtyard attached to Castle Volkihar and Volkihar Keep.
Volkihar KeepDG — A large fortress on an island far northwest of Solitude connected to Castle Volkihar which serves as the Volkihar vampire clan's home. (map)
Fort DawnguardDG — A large fort southeast of Riften which serves as the Dawnguard's base of operations. (map)
High Hrothgar — A small settlement roughly halfway up the Throat of the World, southeast of Whiterun. (map)
Fort Dungeons[edit]
Ashfallow CitadelDB — A small Imperial fort east of Highpoint Tower and northwest of the Sun Stone being used as a base of operations by the Morag Tong. (map)
Bloodlet Throne — A small fort occupied by vampires, vampire thralls, and wolves. (map)
Broken Tower Redoubt — A medium-sized fort occupied by Forsworn. (map)
Cracked Tusk Keep — A medium-sized fort west of Falkreath containing Orc bandits and hunters led by Ghunzul. (map)
Darklight Tower — A medium-sized fort occupied by hagravens. (map)
Driftshade Refuge — A medium-sized fort southeast of Dawnstar. (map)
Faldar's Tooth — A medium-sized fort west of Riften containing bandits and wolves. (map)
Fellglow Keep — A large fort east-northeast of Whiterun containing warlocks. (map)
Fort Fellhammer — A medium-sized fort and iron mine south of Dawnstar containing bandits. (map)
Fort FrostmothDB — A small fort south of Highpoint Tower and northeast of Hrodulf's House occupied by ash spawn and General Falx Carius. (map)
Gallows Rock — A small fort occupied by the Silver Hand. (map)
Harmugstahl — A small fort north of Karthwasten containing a warlock and enchanted frostbite spiders. (map)
Highpoint TowerDB — A small fort southeast of Brodir Grove and north of Fort Frostmoth occupied by ash spawn and Neloth's former apprentice Ildari Sarothril. (map)
Ilinalta's Deep — A medium-sized fort on the shore of Lake Ilinalta that mysteriously collapsed. (map)
Mistwatch — A medium-sized fort located at the northern base of the mountains on the border of the Rift and Eastmarch, just southeast of the Atronach Stone on the edge of the hot springs. (map)
Morvunskar — A small fort southwest of, and overlooking, Windhelm. (map)
Nightcaller Temple — A small fort on the clifftop overlooking Dawnstar. (map)
Northwatch Keep — A medium-sized fort northwest of Dragon Bridge containing Thalmor. (map)
Treva's Watch — A medium-sized fort situated to the southeast of Ivarstead, south of Sarethi Farm. (map)
Western Watchtower — A small fort just west of Whiterun. (map)
Bilegulch Mine — A small orichalcum mine southwest of Fort Sungard and west of Sunderstone Gorge with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Broken Tusk MineDB — A small heart stone mine southeast of Bristleback Cave and west of the Stalhrim Source, home to a group of rieklings. (map)
Cidhna Mine — A small silver mine and forced-labor prison camp underneath western Markarth. (map)
Damphall MineDB — A large iron and silver mine north of Bloodskal Barrow containing reavers. (map)
Dushnikh Mine — A small orichalcum mine supporting the Orc stronghold of Dushnikh Yal with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Embershard Mine — A small iron mine between Helgen and Riverwood containing bandits. (map)
Fenn's Gulch Mine — A small silver mine in the northwest corner of Karthwasten with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Fort Fellhammer — A medium-sized fort and iron mine south of Dawnstar containing bandits. (map)
Gloombound Mine — A small ebony and iron mine supporting the Orc stronghold of Narzulbur with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Goldenrock Mine — A small corundum mine in Darkwater Crossing with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Halted Stream Mine — A bandit camp and small iron mine north of Whiterun. (map)
Iron-Breaker Mine — A small iron mine in Dawnstar with a smelter near the entrance. It is owned by Beitild. (map)
Kolskeggr Mine — A small gold mine east-northeast of Markarth and south of the Lover Stone with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Left Hand Mine — A small iron mine directly southeast of Markarth with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Lost Prospect Mine — A small abandoned gold mine north of Black-Briar Lodge and southeast of Fallowstone Cave. (map)
Mor Khazgur Mine — A small orichalcum mine supporting the Orc stronghold of Mor Khazgur with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Northwind Mine — A small iron mine on the northern side of Northwind Summit. (map)
Quicksilver Mine — A small quicksilver mine in Dawnstar with a smelter near the entrance. It is owned by Leigelf. (map)
- Raven Rock MineDB — A large ebony mine in Raven Rock with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Redbelly Mine — A small ebony mine in Shor's Stone with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Rockwallow Mine — A small iron mine in Stonehills with a smelter near the entrance. It is owned by Thane Bryling of Solitude. (map)
Sanuarach Mine — A small silver mine in the north of Karthwasten with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Steamscorch Mine — A small malachite mine in the northeast of Kynesgrove with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Soljund's Sinkhole — A medium-sized moonstone mine east of Sky Haven Temple with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Whistling Mine — A small iron mine southeast of Winterhold with a smelter near the entrance. (map)
Nordic Ruins[edit]
Angarvunde — A large Nordic ruin at the foot of the mountains directly west of Riften and slightly northwest of Avanchnzel. (map)
Ansilvund — A medium-sized Nordic ruin north of Riften containing draugr and necromancers. (map)
Arcwind Point — A small Nordic ruin south of Ivarstead containing draugr and skeletons. (map)
Bleak Falls Barrow — A medium-sized Nordic ruin west of Riverwood containing bandits and draugr. (map)
Blind Cliff Bastion — A medium-sized cave southwest of Karthwasten along the banks of the Karth River containing Forsworn. (map)
Bloodskal BarrowDB — A small Nordic ruin north of Raven Rock containing reavers. (map)
Bromjunaar Sanctuary — A hidden location that can be reached by equipping the wooden mask while inside a building in Labyrinthian.
Champion's RestCC — A medium-sized Nordic ruin located in the Rift, east of Shor's Stone. (map)
Dead Men's Respite — A medium-sized Nordic ruin southwest of Morthal containing draugr and frostbite spiders. (map)
Deepwood Redoubt — A large Nordic ruin west of Dragon Bridge containing Forsworn. (map)
Dustman's Cairn — A medium-sized Nordic ruin northwest of Whiterun containing draugr, frostbite spiders, and skeevers. (map)
Folgunthur — A medium-sized Nordic ruin southeast of Solitude containing draugr and frostbite spiders. (map)
Forelhost — A large Nordic ruin southeast of Riften containing Dragon Cultists, draugr, and skeevers. (map)
Frostmere Crypt — A medium-sized Nordic ruin south-southwest of Dawnstar and north-northeast of the Lord Stone. (map)
Geirmund's Hall — A small Nordic ruin east of Ivarstead containing draugr, frostbite spiders, and skeevers. (map)
Gyldenhul BarrowDB — A small Nordic ruin east of Skaal Village containing the spirit and treasure of Haknir Death-Brand. (map)
Hag Rock Redoubt — A small Nordic ruin located south of Markarth. (map)
Hag's End — A small Nordic ruin west of Dragon Bridge containing a hagraven, hags, and witches. (map)
High Gate Ruins — A medium-sized Nordic ruin directly west of Dawnstar and east of the Wreck of the Icerunner containing draugr. (map)
Hillgrund's Tomb — A small Nordic ruin where Golldir's dead ancestors are interred. (map)
Ironbind Barrow — A small Nordic ruin which contains a word wall for the Become Ethereal shout, and the tomb of a long dead warlord. (map)
Kilkreath Ruins — A large ruined temple dedicated to Meridia situated below the Statue to Meridia. (map)
Kolbjorn BarrowDB — A medium-sized Nordic ruin southeast of Raven Rock containing draugr. (map)
Korvanjund — A medium-sized Nordic ruin northeast of Whiterun containing draugr. (map)
Labyrinthian — A large Nordic ruin southeast of Morthal containing draugr, skeletons, and trolls. (map)
Lost Valley Redoubt — A massive Nordic ruin inhabited by Forsworn and hagravens. (map)
Ragnvald — A medium-sized Nordic ruin north of Markarth containing draugr. (map)
Rannveig's Fast — A small Nordic ruin in the mountain range in northern Whiterun Hold and just south of Morthal. (map)
Saarthal — A medium-sized Nordic ruin southwest of Winterhold. (map)
- Shalidor's Maze — A section of Labyrinthian. (map)
Shriekwind Bastion — A small Nordic ruin north of Falkreath containing vampires and skeletons. (map)
Shroud Hearth Barrow — A medium-sized Nordic ruin east of Ivarstead containing draugr and skeletons. (map)
Silent Moons Camp — A small Nordic ruin northwest of Whiterun containing bandits. (map)
Silverdrift Lair — A medium-sized Nordic ruin located east-southeast of Fort Dunstad and northwest of Nightgate Inn. (map)
Sivdur's RespiteCC — A Nordic ruin located north of Windhelm. (map)
- Skuldafn — A large Nordic ruin with a portal to Sovngarde containing dragons and a dragon priest.
Snow Veil Sanctum — A medium-sized Nordic ruin north-northeast of Windhelm containing draugr. (map)
Twilight Sepulcher — The location of the Pilgrim's Path and main entrance to Nocturnal's Ebonmere portal, resting place for the Skeleton Key. (map)
Ustengrav — A medium-sized Nordic ruin northeast of Morthal containing draugr, warlocks, bandits, skeletons, and frostbite spiders. (map)
Vahlok's TombDB — A medium-sized Nordic ruin south-southeast of Thirsk Mead Hall containing corrupted shades and draugr. (map)
Valthume — A large Nordic ruin east of Arkngthamz and west of Cradle Stone Tower containing draugr, frostbite spiders, and skeevers. (map)
Volskygge — A medium-sized Nordic ruin west of Solitude in the coastal mountains, situated between Deepwood Redoubt and Lost Echo Cave. (map)
Volunruud — A medium-sized Nordic ruin north-northwest of Whiterun. It contains a word wall for the Aura Whisper shout, as well as the treasure and dead body of the Tongue Chieftain Kvenel. (map)
White Ridge BarrowDB — A medium-sized Nordic ruin in the northern part of Solstheim inhabited by bandits and spiders. (map)
Yngol Barrow — A small Nordic ruin northeast of Windhelm on the south bank of the White River. (map)
Ysgramor's Tomb — A small Nordic ruin northwest of Winterhold containing Companion ghosts and frostbite spiders. (map)
Four Skull Lookout — A small outdoor Nordic ruin south of Karthwasten containing bandits. (map)
Hamvir's Rest — A small outdoor graveyard and Nordic ruin to the northwest of Whiterun, right next to Dustman's Cairn. (map)
Journeyman's Nook — A small outdoor Nordic ruin southeast of Winterhold. (map)
Kjenstag Ruins — A small outdoor Nordic ruin east-northeast of Morthal, southwest of the Hjaalmarch Stormcloak Camp. (map)
Lost Valkygg — A small Nordic ruin northeast of Labyrinthian containing draugr. (map)
Moldering RuinsDG — A small camp and concealed cave in western Whiterun Hold, occupied by vampires. (map)
North Skybound Watch — A small Nordic tower and ruin northeast of Helgen containing bandits and a giant frostbite spider. (map)
Roadside Ruins — A small outdoor Nordic ruin northwest of Falkreath containing a spriggan. (map)
Skytemple Ruins — A small outdoor Nordic ruin north of the College of Winterhold. (map)
Snowclad RuinsDB — A small outdoor Nordic ruin northwest of the Temple of Miraak containing werebears. (map)
Windward Ruins — A small outdoor Nordic ruin southwest of Dawnstar containing skeevers. (map)
Yorgrim Overlook — A small outdoor Nordic ruin on the southern slope of the mountain range directly south of Winterhold. (map)
Ships and Shipwrecks[edit]
Dainty Sload — A ship docked north of Solitude. (map)
- Dead Man's DreadCC — An ancient ship located within the Grotto on Blackbone Isle. (map)
Hela's Folly — A shipwreck northeast of Dawnstar. (map)
The Katariah — The personal transport vessel of the Emperor, Titus Mede II. (map)
- The North Wind — A ship docked at the Windhelm docks. (map)
- Northern MaidenDB — A ship initially docked at the Windhelm docks. (map)
Orphan's Tear — A shipwreck west of Ravenscar Hollow on the northern coast. (map)
Pilgrim's Trench — A ship graveyard not far off of the northern coast of Skyrim. (map)
- Red Wave — A pirate ship docked at Solitude. (map)
- The Sea Squall — A ship docked in Dawnstar's Northstar Port. (map)
Wreck Of The Brinehammer — A shipwreck northwest of Dawnstar along the shore of the Sea of Ghosts. (map)
Wreck of the Icerunner — An Imperial ship which will run aground east of Solitude and north of the Abandoned Shack. (map)
Wreck of The Pride of Tel Vos — A shipwreck on a small island east of Winterhold. (map)
Wreck of the Strident SquallDB — A shipwreck south of Old Attius Farm on a small headland near the southern coast of Solstheim. (map)
Wreck of the Winter War — A shipwreck east-southeast of Snow Veil Sanctum and far northeast of Windhelm. (map)
Imperial Towers[edit]
Abandoned Prison — A collapsed, partially flooded Imperial prison inhabited by the ghosts of its drowned prisoners. (map)
Falkreath Watchtower — A small ruined tower north of Falkreath containing a necromancer. (map)
Pinefrost Tower — A small ruined tower on the northwestern coastal border, due south of Rimerock Burrow and northwest of Volskygge. (map)
Refugees' Rest — A small ruined tower east of Windhelm and close to the Morrowind border containing leveled animals. (map)
Rift Watchtower — A small tower in the northern Rift occupied by Orc bandits. (map)
Shor's Watchtower — A small tower that overlooks Shor's Stone in the Eastmarch-the Rift pass, due north of Riften. (map)
Snowpoint Beacon — A small tower consisting of three floors, found in Winterhold, south-southwest of Driftshade Refuge and due east of Fort Fellhammer. (map)
Stendarr's Beacon — A small tower home to three Vigilants of Stendarr, south of Black-Briar Lodge. (map)
Whitewatch Tower — A small tower just northeast of Whiterun occupied by the guards of the city. (map)
Widow's Watch Ruins — A small ruined tower northeast of Fort Hraggstad containing a hag. (map)
Nordic Towers[edit]
Bannermist Tower — A small ruined Nordic tower northwest of Falkreath containing bandits. (map)
Bleakwind Bluff — A small ruined Nordic tower inhabited by hagravens and Forsworn, located northwest of Rorikstead on an outcrop of rock. (map)
Cradle Stone Tower — A small ruined Nordic tower west of Bard's Leap Summit containing a hagraven. (map)
Dead Crone Rock — A small ruined Nordic tower inhabited by Forsworn, located south-southwest of Markarth, just above Hag Rock Redoubt. (map)
MyrwatchCC — A mage tower player home in Hjaalmarch, east of Morthal. (map)
Nilheim — A small ruined Nordic tower east-northeast of Ivarstead containing bandits disguised as guards. (map)
Peak's Shade Tower — A small ruined Nordic tower east of Falkreath containing a spriggan. (map)
South Skybound Watch — A small Nordic tower and ruin northeast of Helgen containing bandits and a giant frostbite spider. (map)
Sundered Towers — A small pair of linked ruined Nordic towers inhabited by Forsworn and Hagravens. (map)
Valtheim Towers — A small pair of linked ruined Nordic towers inhabited by bandits. (map)
Beyond Skyrim[edit]
- ApocryphaDB — Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion.
- Apocrypha (Epistolary Acumen)DB — An area of Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion, Apocrypha.
- Apocrypha (Filament and Filigree)DB — An area of Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion, Apocrypha.
- Apocrypha (The Hidden Twilight)DB — An area of Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion, Apocrypha.
- Apocrypha (The Sallow Regent)DB — An area of Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion, Apocrypha.
- Apocrypha (The Winds of Change)DB — An area of Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion, Apocrypha.
- Apocrypha (Untold Legends)DB — An area of Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion, Apocrypha.
- Apocrypha (Waking Dreams)DB — An area of Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion, Apocrypha.
- Azura's Star Interior — A small alternate dimension within Azura's Star containing Malyn Varen and any Dremora that he summons.
- Dayspring CanyonDG — The wilderness area surrounding Fort Dawnguard, accessed through a cave entrance southeast of Riften and north-northeast of Stendarr's Beacon. (map)
Fort DawnguardDG — A large fort southeast of Riften which serves as the Dawnguard's base of operations. (map)
- Dead Drop FallsDG — A cave system only accessible through the northeastern section of Fort Dawnguard.
- Mossy Glen CaveDG — A small, unmarked bear den only accessible via Dayspring Canyon.
- DeadlandsCC — A plane of Oblivion belonging to Mehrunes Dagon.
Forgotten ValeDG — An isolated region of Skyrim once inhabited by the Snow Elves worshipping the God Auri-El. (map)
- Darkfall GrottoDG — A small cave in the Forgotten Vale.
- Forgotten Vale CaveDG — A small cave in the Forgotten Vale containing chaurus and one of the rare shellbugs.
- Forgotten Vale ForestDG — A small grove in the Forgotten Vale, which can only be accessed by using the paragon platform with the ruby paragon.
- Forgotten Vale OverlookDG — A small river valley in the Forgotten Vale, which can be accessed by using the paragon platform with the emerald paragon.
- Glacial CreviceDG — A small cave in the Forgotten Vale, which must be traversed to reach the Inner Sanctum.
- Inner SanctumDG — A relatively well-preserved portion of the Chantry of Auri-El in the Forgotten Vale.
- Sharpslope CaveDG — A small cave in the Forgotten Vale containing chaurus, Falmer, and one of the rare shellbugs.
- The Mind of a Madman — The mind of Pelagius the Mad.
- Misty Grove — One of the Myriad Realms of Revelry created by Sanguine, where he is holding a feast with some of his followers.
- Soul CairnDG — A plane of Oblivion haunted by lost Souls, added by the Dawnguard add-on.
- BoneyardDG — An enclosed graveyard in the Soul Cairn.
- Reaper's LairDG — An enclosed ruin in the Soul Cairn.
- Sovngarde — The Nordic afterlife.
- Hall of Valor — A massive stone mead hall in Sovngarde where dead Nord heroes are rewarded by Shor with an eternity of revelry.
See Also[edit]
- Places added by official add-ons:
- Playroom — A playable space that serves as the main menu for Skyrim VR.
- Test Cells — A descriptive list of all test cells and unused cells in Skyrim's data.
Achievements related to places include: