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Type Settlement
Continent Tamriel
Province Cyrodiil
Region West Weald
Appears in Oblivion, ESO

Skingrad is a Colovian town located in the West Weald region of Colovia, to the southwest of the Imperial City, along the Gold Road. It is known as the "gem of Old Colovia", and a model of the Colovian virtues of independence, hardwork, and tough-mindedness.[1] Historically, at the time of the Alessian Reformation, the Westerners were in a firm position to resist its doctrines, thanks to their culture and location. The pantheon of Eight Divines survived unchecked in Western Cyrodiil, and relations with the increasingly Alessian East became strained.[2] Rislav Larich was notably at the forefront of protecting Skingrad from the Marukhtis and ensuring Skingrad's independence.[3] Ultimately, the West isolated itself from the theocratic hegemony of the Nibenay Valley, establishing an autonomous government, the Colovian Estates. Colovians are uncomplicated, self-sufficient, hearty, and extremely loyal to one another. At times where the east became weak from lack of strong leadership, the Colovians would withdraw unto themselves in the belief they were keeping the national spirit safe until a proper Emperor came to rule. The Colovian Estates began to overshadow the richer, more populous East then, which eventually lead to the War of Righteousness that ended Alessian rule.[2] It is connected to Kvatch and Sutch through the Gold Road.[4]

The town is particularly famous for its wines, tomatoes, and cheeses, which contributes to its overall prosperity. Under the leadership of Count Janus Hassildor, thievery, crime, gambling, and public drunkenness are almost unknown in Skingrad.[1] Famous wine makers in Cyrodiil such as the Surilie brothers and Tamika reside here.[5] The renowned tailor Diocletia Orbus of Skingrad, whose clothing is popular among nobles from all around Cyrodiil, also hails from the city.[6] The Colovian nobility, who often make up officers of the Imperial Legions or its West Navy, prefer immaculate uniforms with stark standards that match their rough cliffside fortresses, and scorn the costly expenditures of courtly life seen in Nibenay.[2]

Layout & Geography[edit]

Statue of Rislav Larich
Skingrad's flag, displaying its city crest
"Skingrad seemed provincial, yes, but it was Colovian: direct, forthright, with clean lines and a certain spare, ascetic look to it. And its people are much the same way." —Doctor Alfidia Lupus, Crafting Motifs Vol. 10: Imperial Cyrods

The town divides into three districts: the Castle, Hightown, and Chapel, with various gates and bridges connecting each district. The town is further divided in two parts: the north wall encompasses the business district and the guild halls, while the southern half holds homes and the Great Chapel of Julianos, where citizens and travelers can pray for healing. Outside of town is the castle of Janus Hassildor, count of Skingrad and wizard, who is reportedly a vampire, a fact known to and kept as a secret by the Mages Guild.


First Era[edit]

Janus Hassildor

Rislav Larich was a King of Skingrad in ancient times.[3] Born in 1E 448 to Queen Lynada, who died shortly after giving birth, and King Mhorus of Skingrad, Rislav had three older brothers and four older sisters. In 472, the skirmishing between Skingrad and Kvatch ended, apparently due to the marriage of Prince Rislav and Belene, the daughter of King Justinius of Kvatch.

A plague in 1E 478 took the lives of the royal family in Skingrad, sparing the lives of Rislav and his older brother Dorald, who was a priest of Marukh living in the Imperial City. Dorald returned to Skingrad and took the throne, his first edict being to give over the kingdom to the Empire. This prompted a battle between Dorald and Rislav, in which Rislav slew Dorald and became the new King of Skingrad. After withdrawing the offer of Skingrad to the Empire, Skingrad faced the Alessian army in their conquest in many battles, defeating them finally after joining forces with Kvatch and The Kings of the Colovian West to end the Alessian hegemony. King Rislav's glory is currently showcased as a romanticized statue in Hightown.

Disinterested in matters of state, Emperor Brazollus Dor spent most of his reign at his country estate near Skingrad, preferring to let his Potentate Sidri-Ashak run almost all of the Empire's affairs in the many years leading up to his death in 1E 2877.[7]

Second Era[edit]

Arcturus Vano was imprisoned some time around the Planemeld for assassinating the Alderman of Skingrad.[8] Count Calantius of Skingrad was a canny opportunist who kept his city just out of the chaos of warfare engulfing most of Cyrodiil during the Alliance War, but still ruled a military-minded people, being quite ambitious himself.[UOL 1] Taking advantage of this power vacuum, he sent a legion of mercenaries to plunder or even annex the border city of Arenthia in 2E 582.[9][10] General Lavinia, leader of the Legion of the West Weald, attempted to annex the "South Weald" for the Empire of Cyrodiil, but was thwarted by resistances working with the Aldmeri Dominion.[11]

Third Era[edit]

In 3E 227, Daravyn the Gray, an escaped prisoner from the Imperial City Prison, hid the Ring of the Gray in Rosethorn Hall before being recaptured by the local guard.[12]

Nearing the end of the Five Year War, captive legionnaires held by the Bosmer were released and travelled to Skingrad to report and regroup.[13][UOL 2]

Circa 3E 433, Skingrad was ruled by Count Janus Hassildor, who had already been ruling for many years due to the prolonged unlife granted to him by his vampirism.[1][14] Hassildor was widely honored and respected by his people, and during his reign, Skingrad was considered a well-run, orderly county.[1]

Fourth Era[edit]

An insurgent faction active in 4E 48 known as the Natives was from County Skingrad. They utilized distinctive arrows and often beheaded the bodies of the people they killed.[15] Over fifty years after the Oblivion Crisis, Sinderion, an Altmer alchemist, bought a rare sample of crimson nirnroot in the city before heading to Skyrim.[16]

During The Battle of the Red Ring in 4E 175, General Jonna's troops faced bitter resistance as the Aldmeri counterattacked from Bravil and Skingrad. The heroic Nord legionnaires held firm, however, beating off the piecemeal Aldmeri attacks. By the fifth day of the battle, the Aldmeri army in the Imperial City was surrounded.[17]

Known Rulers[edit]


See Also[edit]


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.