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Haarvenu is one of the vampire bloodlines of the Iliac Bay area.

Hands of Almalexia[edit]

The Hands of Almalexia (or simply Her Hands) are private temple guards for the Tribunal goddess Almalexia of Morrowind, chosen from the most skilled warriors in the Tribunal Temple. Their bodies and souls are fortified by divine magic, and their armor and weapons bear fearsome divine enchantments.

Circa 2E 582, the Hands were numerous, and were charged with guarding Mournhold along with the Ordinators when it served as the capital of the Ebonheart Pact. The Vestige was named a Hand of Almalexia while ridding Deshaan of the Maulborn menace. By 3E 427, the Hands had been reduced to six individuals, and the High Ordinators had taken over guard duty of the city. They served as Almalexia's personal protectors as her divinity began to fail, and were led by her steward, Fedris Hler. That year, the Nerevarine killed Hand Salas Valor after he left Almalexia's service.

After the rise of the New Temple, Almalexia was relegated to the position of Temple Saint. Worship of the Tribunal as gods was treated as a heresy by the New Temple, and worshippers of the Goddess was therefore persecuted. However, the Hands of Almalexia continued to exist. The tradition was passed down over several generations, with each new Hand having their body imbued with Her divine power. Circa 4E 201, the last remaining Hands served Matriarch Drevlan at a secret Tribunal temple on Solstheim known as Ashfall's Tear. Hand Kenro Hlan attacked the Last Dragonborn within the ruins of Fahlbtharz and was killed, although it is unknown if the remaining two Hands survived.

Healers Guild[edit]

The Healers Guild is an officially sanctioned guild. As their name implies, they employ healers from across the Empire.

During the Akaviri Potentate in 2E 321, Versidue-Shaie gave his approval for the Guild Act, which sanctioned businesses such as the Healers Guild. They were hence protected by the Empire of Cyrodiil, even into the Third Era, but would be required to pay them if they wanted to expand their influence. The Empire had subsequently strengthened since the Guild Act was passed.

Hearteater Clan[edit]

Hearteater Clan, also known as Hearteaters was a clan of Reachfolk that lived during the Second Era. They were a force that raided northern Cyrodiil in 2E 582 during the Three Banners War and razed and pillaged a settlement known as the Highlander Camp.


The Hee-Tepsleel are one of the many Argonian tribes of the Black Marsh. As of 2E 582, they inhabited Murkmire, a coastal region in southern parts of the province. They are noted for their agriculture, growing and trading alchemical ingredients with tribes like the Black-Tongues.

In his work Tribes of Murkmire: Tribal Connections, Emmanubeth Hurrent of the Wayfarers' Society of Wayrest provided a description of the Hee-Tepsleel tribe, showcasing their inter-tribal relations.

Hee-Tepsleel consider hermit crabs a delicacy. Xoko, an Argonian chef from the Hee-Tepsleel tribe, described their meat as "as juicy as the fruit about to drop off a tree."

Heran Clan[edit]

The Heran clan is an ancient family of Dunmer that lives in the province of Morrowind. The Heran Clan is one of the thirty revered families of Vvardenfell and a sub-faction of the Great House Redoran. The Heran Ancestral Tomb is found on the waters of the Bitter Coast, off the road between the Odai River and the shanty-village of Hla Oad. It is known for containing hundreds of years worth of family treasure, safeguarded by snap-wire traps and deadfalls.


The Heretics of the Shivering Isles are a group of outcast mortals found in Mania. They follow the Manic teachings of Arden-Sul to a fault, believing him to be the true lord of the Shivering Isles. They view Sheogorath as a mortal posing as a Daedric Prince, and seek to depose him for being unjust and insane. According to the Heretics, Daedra cannot be princes, only vile servants. As such, they specialize in summoning and binding Hungers to do their bidding. Their ultimate goal is to sack New Sheoth and force the other mortals to convert to their beliefs and live in the wilderness following the destruction of Sheogorath's mortal body. The Heretics are hostile towards most other inhabitants of the Isles, and wear uniform robes to distinguish themselves. They have a particular vendetta against the Zealots, their Demented counterparts. The highest ranks of the Heretics were said to be "transformed".

The Apostles of Light were a faction of Heretics whose opposition to Sheogorath stemmed from an intimate knowledge of the Greymarch. A group of Heretics in Fain worshipped a being known as Gyub, Lord of the Pit.

Hidden Armigers[edit]

The Hidden Armigers were a network of spies working as the intelligence arm of the Ebonheart Pact during its existence in the Interregnum period. They were rumored to have been an alchemy group from within House Telvanni who later jumped ship. They were based out of Mournhold and led by a mysterious Dunmer named Thrush, although they ultimately answered to High King Jorunn of East Skyrim. It's unknown if they were related to the Buoyant Armigers, a military order of the Tribunal Temple.

In 2E 582, the Hidden Armigers were responsible for several attempts at the lives of the members of the Ring of Daggers. They were also receiving the confidential information about the Aldmeri Dominion war effort from Krin Ren-dro, a traitor and a former member of the Eyes of the Queen, until this plot was discovered by the Aldmeri Dominion and their informant eliminated. Later, during the same year the Hidden Armigers worked closely with the Mages Guild and Fighters Guild, the outlawed Morag Tong, the Eyes of the Queen, and the Ring of Daggers in arranging ceasefire talks on Stirk for the leaders of the Alliance War.

Hillhunter Clan[edit]

The Hillhunter Clan was a prominent clan of Reachfolk that lived in the Reach, a region in western Skyrim during the Interregnum in Second Era. Hillhunters were nomadic hunters who lived primarily in the mountains south of Markarth. They are known for their woodcraft, knowledge of the terrain, and stealth. According to members of the other clans, no one can track a Hillhunter unless they choose to be tracked. They were not numerous clans and typically kept out of the quarrels of the more populous clans.

Hollow Moon[edit]

The Hollow Moon was a charitable organization of thieves which operated at the Redfur Trading Post in Grahtwood during the Second Era. Lead by a Khajiit named Valirr, they embodied what the leader of the trading coster at the time called the "Senchal lifestyle" — they stole from wealthy merchants and gave what they took to those in need. Gold to buy food, silks to trade for other goods or gold to buy food and medicine for the sickly were among the goods the Hollow Moon gave to the poor. Agents of the organization would often give simple rings called Hollow Moon Tokens to the infirm, so their need was not questioned when they petitioned the Hollow Moon for aid.

The Hollow Moon often clashed with Jode's Chariot, the local law enforcement group. The two organizations generally had mutual respect for one another. Both sides agreed that giving to the poor was a noble cause, and thieves were good for business at the trading post. The Hollow Moon kept the market fluid and stopped too much wealth from accumulating in one place. However, agents of the Hollow Moon couldn't just waltz up to a merchant and steal their goods; Jode's Chariot was still contractually obligated to stop thieves. Aspiring agents of the Hollow Moon had two choices: spend time in the stocks, or become better thieves.

Hollowfang Clan[edit]

The Hollowfang Clan was a Khajiit vampire clan that resided in northern Elsweyr in the Second Era. They give thanks to Sangiin, the blood god. The members of the clan are learned in the arts of blood magic and alchemy.

When they struck down the Dragon Sahrotnax from the sky and he crash-landed in their den at Moongrave Fane, they held it captive and planned to strengthen themselves by drinking its blood. At this time, a Nord vampire and member of the Dragonguard named Grundwulf was convinced by the clan to carry out this task, and dubbed "The Devourer" by the Clan Mother, Nisaazda. Their endeavors were stopped by the Undaunted and Chevalier Renald. They killed the Clan Mother and Grundwulf, but not after he drained the dragon of his power.


Banner of Potema

The Hörme was an underground movement in Skyrim during the Third Era holding the belief that Potema, the Wolf Queen, and her deposed son Uriel III were the last of Tiber Septim's true blood. Under this principle, they led raids against Imperial interests in the province and were considered to be part of the reason why the once prosperous Whiterun Hold fell into decline.[1]

Horn-Stride Clan[edit]

Horn-Stride Clan was an ancient and legendary clan of Reachfolk. According to the tales they were active during the First Era. They feature prominently in oral tales of the Reachfolk Vateshrans, though their depictions vary significantly from work to work. In some versions of the Song of Gwyna, the eponymous character Gwyna was portrayed as a huntress of the Horn-Stride Clan. However, in other depictions she was presented as a kindred to Chief Rowolan, descendant of Demigoddess Dearola instead. Vateshran songs state that the Horn-Stride clan was eradicated by Rowolan and his kin. This feat, however, cost chief Rowolan his life.


The Silverhoof Horsemen (also known as the Horse-Folk of Silverhoof, or simply Horsemen) are a tribe of Redguards abiding in the pastoral basin known as the Vale of Silverhoof. Described as horse nomads, the Horsemen take care of horse herds as their livelihood, and also train steeds for others in exchange for goods. The Horsemen venerate a divine animist spirit they call the Herd Mother.

Host of the Horn[edit]

The Host of the Horn is the official military force of Lainlyn, the country in the southern Iliac Bay and part of the province of Hammerfell. They are the sworn protectors of the town and royal family of Lainlyn, and their duties range from espionage and tax collecting, to straight warfare in the name of their lord. By association with the monarchy of Lainlyn, the Host of the Horn are members of the Crowns.

House Aurmine[edit]

House Aurmine was a Breton noble family dating back at least to the late-fifth century of the First Era, and the reign of King Festrien Spenard I. They were known to be his staunch supporters, sworn enemies of the House Direnni. They were known vassals of the House Spenard of Shornhelm, and patrons of the Knights of the Pale Order. The Knightly Order, under their patronage, slaughtered the Direnni wholesale during the latter years of their flight from High Rock.

House Aurmine's heraldry was deemed omnious and was rendered as the shield flanked by boars and snares, or according to other sources, noses.

Many of the vassals of the Spenard dynasty were commonly accused of vampirism, though there is no known evidence or proof of members of House Aurmine being vampires.

Circa 2E 582, a member of the University of Gwylim's Antiquarian Circle discovered and unearthed an ancestral signet of the House Aurmine bearing the insignia of the family.

Although as of 2E 582, the scholars considered the house ancient and obscure, the house remained active as of 3E 427. A noblewoman known as Maurrie Aurmine visited Vvardenfell at that time. It is, however, unknown whether or not the Aurmines of the Third Era were connected to the Aurmines of the First Era.

House Dagoth[edit]

'Pity Dagoth Ur and the Sixth House. All they do, all they are is foul and evil, but they began in brightness and honor, and the cause of their fall was their loyal service to you, Lord Nerevar.' — Peakstar

House Dagoth (also called Clan Dagoth, the Sixth House, Shadow House, Sleeping House, Lost House, Traitor House, House of Lord Dagoth, the Tribe Unmourned or "unmourned house") is the defunct sixth Great House of the Chimer led by Voryn Dagoth, later known as Dagoth Ur. The lost clan's ancient homeland was swallowed up by what is now Vvardenfell, being the only Great House to have their capital, Kogoruhn, located in the region. In the First Age, House Dagoth betrayed the other Great Houses and allied with the Dwemer during the War of the First Council (though some sources claim they fought against the Dwemer), being branded a traitor house and was destroyed for their treason. All records of the house's existence were destroyed following the Battle of Red Mountain and its members were either killed or absorbed into the remaining houses.

Unbeknownst to all, Lord Dagoth had survived and spent centuries slowly building his strength and influence from within Red Mountain. This culminated with Dagoth's attempt to re-create the Dwemer god-construct Numidium in order to overthrow the Tribunal and conquer Morrowind. In 3E 427 Dagoth Ur was slain and his plans halted with the destruction of the Heart of Lorkhan by the Nerevarine.

House Davaux[edit]

House Davaux is a prominent Breton noble house based in the kingdom of Wayrest, High Rock, with a history of influence spanning across the First and Second Eras.

House Deleyn[edit]

House Deleyn is a royal family of Bretons from the kingdom of Daggerfall in the province of High Rock. The Deleyns are descendants of proud workers, whether it was horse breeders, farmhands, or cooks. Perhaps one of their most famous ancestors was Erric Deleyn, who is remembered today as the "Ivory Lord". When Donel Deleyn became the King of Daggerfall, he ushered the Deleyn Dynasty, the kingdom's ruling family throughout the mid-Second Era.

House Dres[edit]

House Dres is an agrarian agricultural society, and its large saltrice plantations rely completely on slave labor for their economic viability. Always firm Temple supporters, House Dres is hostile to Imperial law and culture, and in particular opposed to any attempts to limit the institution of slavery.Great Houses of Morrowind

House Dres (also called Clan Dres) is one of the Great Houses of Morrowind, with presence only on the mainland. It governs the Dres District of southeastern Morrowind from its ancestral capital city of Tear, also called 'Dres' and noted for its proximity to Black Marsh. The district included parts of the fertile Deshaan plain, the southern areas of the Telvanni Peninsula, and bordered the Indoril District, Hlaalu District, and the swamps and marshes of the Black Marsh regions of Shadowfen and Thornmarsh. In the mid-Second Era, House Dres also controlled the cities of Ebonheart and Kragenmoor in central Morrowind. At least once, House Dres managed to gain a minor foothold in the Telvanni lands of the eponymous peninsula. House Dres has had no recorded settlements on the island of Vvardenfell. Despite this, some Dres families lived on the island in ancient times before relocating to the mainland, and some Dres ancestral tombs may still be found on the isle. Among them is the ancient Dreloth clan, a cadet branch of the Great House, as well as the Maren, Othrelas, Serano, and Velas clans. It was formally established as a Great House before the middle of the First Era by Grandmaster Thalthil Dres after a slave-raid over Thorn.

The Dres have a mainly rural but still very wealthy agrarian agricultural society, maintaining vast saltrice plantations on the plains and marshes surrounding Tear. The Dres were also the Dunmer who shipped the majority of slaves to the other Great Houses (on par with the Indoril and Telvanni), keeping thousands of captives, mostly Argonians and Khajiit in their infamous slave-pens of Tear and the surrounding plantations. The Dres are also known among the Great Houses for maintaining a persistent tradition of Daedra worship and ancestor reverence, their staunch support of unity between the Great Houses, and their emphasis on inter-House relations and the improvement of Dunmeri society as a whole.

House Dufort[edit]

House Dufort is a Breton noble family that rule the Duchy of Systres, from their seat of power in Castle Navire. They are perhaps the premier shipbuilders of Tamriel. Vessels from Dufort Shipyards can be found in every navy, and their craft is well known and ranked among the finest. Due to "integrated business concerns", they share a mutual reliance with their rivals of House Mornard, with much of the Mornard's trade being done on Dufort vessels. House Dufort provides war ships for High Rock, and their merchant vessels House Mornard utilizes to trade at every significant port across Tamriel.

House Errinorne[edit]

House Errinorne is a royal family from the city of Skywatch, found in the province of the Summerset Isles. They were present on the island of Auridon since the late-Merethic Era, descending from royal Aldmeri blood. For an untold amount of time, House Errinorne ruled over Skywatch, as High Kinlords and High Kinladies. Off the coast of the city is Errinorne Isle, which was used as a shipping and warehouse complex for the merchant-city, part of the old Buraniim Sea-Complex. It also contained the Errinorne Academy.

House Hexos[edit]

House Hexos was the foremost mortal family in Fargrave, and was in charge of the mercantile empire that extends far into the myriad realms of Oblivion. From their emporium in Fargrave, their agents pursued the goods of a dozen worlds and arrange for their delivery to discerning buyers throughout Tamriel.

House Hlaalu[edit]

House Hlaalu (also called Clan Hlaalu, the Yellow Party of Hlaalu or "Yellow Hats", and formerly Great House Hlaalu) was one of the five traditional Great Houses of the settled Dunmer. It governed the Hlaalu District of western-central Morrowind from its ancient capital of Narsis, ruled by a leader known as the High Hlaalu. In the Second Era, House Hlaalu's presence on the island of Vvardenfell was limited to the port town of Seyda Neen. By the late Third Era the house had expanded exponentially, with its council seat located in the ex-Redoran city of Balmora, and other Hlaalu-run towns including Suran (also a former Redoran possession), Hla Oad and Gnaar Mok. On the mainland, the formerly Dres cities of Ebonheart and Kragenmoor were obtained by Hlaalu. Early in the Fourth Era, soon after the Empire released Morrowind, anti-Imperial sentiment and House Hlaalu's association with the Empire led to the stripping of its rank as a Great House, and House Hlaalu was removed from the Grand Council of Morrowind. Their position on the council was filled by House Sadras.

House Hlaalu could be characterized as adaptable and opportunistic, and any morals they might have had came second to business. The House was largely concerned with business and diplomacy, seeking to strengthen ties with at times unconventional allies such as the Empire, and although profit was often a primary objective, traditional Hlaalu practice recognized the value of a good reputation over money. This was their great strength - they were fast talkers and intelligent traders - and their great liability; most Hlaalu were bribable, either with gold or with other favors, with their leaders as no exception. House Hlaalu retainers were also masters of thievery, sneaking, lock-picking, blackmailing and backstabbing, both literal and metaphorical. While some councilors were honest and fair, others were more under-handed and corrupt. However, House Hlaalu's most distinguishing characteristic was its willingness to live in harmony with the other races, setting it apart from the other, occasionally xenophobic, Dunmer Great Houses.

House Hlaalu maintained oftentimes tumultuous relationships with the other factions of Morrowind, prompting their eventual fall from grace. Though not as favored as House Indoril or House Redoran, the Tribunal Temple retained an overall positive relationship with House Hlaalu. They had less friendly relationships with the rest of the Great Houses, with animosity - and more rarely, outright hostility - existing between themselves and the Indoril, Dres, Telvanni, and Redoran throughout history; though they were formally allied with the latter on at least one occasion. Like the rest of the Great Houses, Hlaalu relations with the Ashlander tribes were strained, and loathing existed for vampires and Sixth House cultists. Of particular note was their relationship with House Indoril, with the longstanding animosity between the Great Houses being particularly noted by Imperial observers. In the Third Era, the Hlaalu retained a positive relationship with the Camonna Tong crime syndicate, and most of the Imperial guilds; including the Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Imperial Cult, and Imperial Legion. They were less approving of the Thieves Guild.

House Hlaalu adopted the merchant's scale as their heraldry, referencing the source of their power and their pre-eminence in mercantile affairs. They likewise adopted the color yellow as a designation. Their emblem was commonly referred to as the "Golden Scales", and was frequently present on various items associated with the house. Saint Veloth the Pilgrim was the patron saint of House Hlaalu.

House Indoril[edit]

Founded early in the First Era, House Indoril has always been a political powerhouse. Orthodox and conservative in our beliefs and outlooks, we have always been firm proponents of traditional Dunmer customs and practices. For House Indoril, religion stands as our most cherished institution. We revere our blessed ancestors. We honor the Good Daedra, specifically Boethiah, Mephala, and Azura. And we celebrate the saints, including Veloth and Aralor. House Indoril believes that Dunmer culture must be preserved at all costs. Change is the enemy of tradition, and it will weaken our strong foundation if we allow it to take root.Understanding House Indoril by Andor Indoril

House Indoril (also called Clan Indoril, or "Blue Hats") is one of the five Great Houses of the Dunmer. It governs the Indoril District in the heartland of Morrowind from their historic ancestral capital city of Mournhold, also the capital of Morrowind until the Fourth Era. The Indoril District comprises the east-central lands south and east of the Inner Sea, including large swaths of eastern Stonefalls and Deshaan in the high uplands and fertile river valleys, as well as parts of the Telvanni Peninsula and the eastern coast along the Padomaic Ocean. They also control a number of islands in the province, such as the lush isle of Gorne. An Indoril settlement of note was the port city of Davon's Watch, next to Bal Foyen. House Indoril has never claimed land on the island of Vvardenfell, though ancestral tombs for Indoril families may still be found on the isle, such as those of the Aran, Ieneth, Raviro, Salothran, and Verelnim families.

The Indoril were orthodox and conservative supporters of the Tribunal Temple during its millennia-long reign over Morrowind. Claiming kinship with the Tribunal themselves and boasting such ancient heroes as the Hortator, Indoril Nerevar, House Indoril has dominated Temple authority since time immemorial and controlled the levers of government for 3,000 years. They used their control of the Tribunal priesthood to dominate the other Houses, which accounted for Indoril's preeminence among the five clans, gaining much territory and becoming the largest one. They had an undisputed hegemony over the province throughout the First and Second Eras, until their unbroken streak of power was finally overthrown during the signing of Tiber Septim's Armistice. They have always held prominent positions within the Temple hierarchy, and throughout history the fates of House Indoril and the Temple have been closely linked. Through the Temple, House Indoril's influence was felt across Morrowind, even beyond their traditional borders.

House Mantel[edit]

House Mantel was a Breton noble family dating at least back to the twenty-fifth century of the First Era. They were briefly rulers of the Systres, after the previous rulers of the isles, House Guimard fell into disfavor because of a jilted marriage proposal in ca. 1E 2477. Their reign over the archipelago was short-lived however, because of the eruption of the Mount Firesong in 1E 2484. This cataclysmic event claimed the lives of nearly one-third of the archipelago's inhabitants, including nearly all of the nobility, ending their rule over the isles.

Although the exact fate of the house is unknown, by the middle Second Era, Mantel was a common surname across Bretons in Wayrest, and Daggerfall in High Rock.

House Merchad[edit]

House Merchad is a Breton noble family dating back to the times of Druids of Galen and the first appearance of the Half-Elf race in High Rock. This ancient bloodline descended from the last Druid King Kasorayn. House Merchad's heraldry was believed to be linked to their Druid roots and is rendered as three cups spilling seeds and leaves.

House Moorcroft[edit]

House Moorcroft is a noble family of Bretons active since at least the late First Era. One of the family's most well-known members was Tobin Moorcroft, the master builder of the All Flags Navy, who built not only the monument on the All Flags Islet but the Colossus of Gonfalon Bay, a massive statue dedicated to the navy's founder, Bendu Olo.

House Mora[edit]

House Mora was a minor political house of Dunmer that was later absorbed into House Hlaalu in the First Era. One of their most esteemed families was the Ra'athim Clan, the royal family of Ebonheart and ancient retainers of the High Kingship of Morrowind.

House Mornard[edit]

House Mornard is a Breton noble family that were the former rulers of the Duchy of Systres. After Ranser's War, their holdings were reduced to the islands of Amenos and Galen. Their base of operation is the city of Vastyr located in the island of Galen. Due to "integrated business concerns", they share a mutual reliance with their rivals of House Dufort, with much of Mornard's trade being done on Dufort vessels. House Dufort provides war ships for High Rock, and their merchant vessels House Mornard utilizes to trade at every significant port across Tamriel.

House of Dibella[edit]

The House of Dibella is the temple dedicated to Dibella the Blessed Lady, Goddess of Beauty and Love. They are generally the place of worship for Dibella. The priests and priestesses within are epicureans and orgiasts who aspire for the beauty of the form and mind. Their establishments are known to teach healing. The Order of the Lily is the House of Dibella's militant arm, and the Benevolence of Mara is considered their allies. The House of Dibella is considered enemies of the Akatosh Chantry, the Order of Arkay, and the cult of Sanguine. Members of the house are known as Dibellites.

House Ravenwatch[edit]

House Ravenwatch was a noble house based in the Rivenspire region of High Rock. Working under the guise of this status, the house secretly consisted of vampires who forsook their murderous ways and vowed to use their powers for good purpose. The house was a firm supporter of High King Emeric, who knew of their true nature.

House Redoran[edit]

House Redoran (also called Clan Redoran, the Red Party of Redoran or "Red Hats") is one of the five remaining Great Houses of the Dunmer. Led by the House Archmaster, it governs the Redoran District of northwestern Morrowind from the city of Blacklight, close to the border with Skyrim. In the District of Vvardenfell, the House's council seat was located in Balmora as of 2E 582 and Ald'ruhn as of 3E 427. In the latter, all councilors lived in the hollowed shell of a colossal prehistoric Emperor Crab, in the district known as Ald'ruhn-under-Skar. Other Redoran-dominated towns on the mainland included Cormaris View and Silgrad Tower, as well as Khuul, Maar Gan and Ald Velothi in Vvardenfell.

In the mid-Second Era, House Redoran also controlled the settlements of Balmora, Suran, and Gnisis. The Redoran also maintained a garrison in Molag Mar and, in 2E 582, maintained a strong military presence in the nascent Vivec City. In later years, prior to its destruction in 4E 5, House Redoran would instead hold an eponymous canton in Vivec City. House Redoran holdings on the mainland included Tal'Deic Fortress, the village of Serkamora, and the Darkshade Caverns kwama mines. Despite House Dres rule, House Redoran Sentinels patrolled the streets of Old Ebonheart during the Daggerfall Covenant's invasion of Stonefalls.

The main focus of House Redoran is maintaining the traditions of the settled Dunmer and, more specifically, the way of the warrior. As a result, House Redoran has long served as Morrowind's de-facto military. Members of House Redoran often believe themselves to be naturally superior to the other Great Houses. Due to the House's emphasis on tradition and piety, the Tribunal Temple was a natural ally, with the majority of Vivec's Buoyant Armigers hailing from the House. House Redoran maintained strained relationships with the Ashlander tribes of Vvardenfell, the Morag Tong, House Hlaalu, and House Telvanni. They held respect for House Indoril, and were willing to fight alongside House Dres. During the Third Empire's reign over Morrowind, the Redoran also held mutual respect for the Fighters Guild and Imperial Legion. They did not hold other Imperial institutions (such as the Mages Guild, the Thieves Guild, and the Imperial Cult) in such high esteem. Like the other Great Houses, House Redoran loathed the cultists of the Sixth House and the vampires of Vvardenfell, and disapproved of the Camonna Tong's illegal activities.

House Sadras[edit]

House Sadras is one of the five Great Houses of Morrowind. At the beginning of the Fourth Era, following the Oblivion Crisis of 3E 433 and the eruption of Red Mountain in 4E 5, House Hlaalu was stripped of its Great House status and removed from the Grand Council of Morrowind. House Sadras, whose prior status and holdings are unknown, was selected to fill the fifth seat on the Council.

House Spenard[edit]

House Spenard was a Breton dynasty of rulers of Shornhelm dating at least back to the mid-fifth century of the First Era. Both them and their vassals were accused of vampirism.

House Telvanni[edit]

House Telvanni (also called Clan Telvanni, the Brown Party of Telvanni or "brown hats") is one of the Great Houses of Morrowind. It governs the Telvanni District of northeastern Morrowind, including Port Telvannis in the archipelago in the northeast, and the eastern portion of the Vvardenfell District from its council seat in Sadrith Mora, home of the Great House's main leadership. They once controlled the Telvanni Peninsula, but no longer have any properties on the mainland as of the Fourth Era. They value talent, knowledge, and initiative. The house is comprised primarily of wizard-lords who have traditionally isolated themselves and protected commoners in their mushroom-hut villages, pursuing wisdom and mastery in solitude, and generally being quite peaceful. The Telvanni don't care about politics or what others think, staying out of matters beyond their lands as to not trouble anyone, and only want to be left alone in peace to do as they wish and live comfortably. The wizard-lords and their mercenaries keep the people secure, and otherwise leave them alone. By bringing prosperity to their tower, honor to the house, and security to kinsmen and retainers, wizard-lords thereby insure the health, wealth, and security of their house and its people. They are called the most xenophobic of the Dunmer and shun contact with outsiders, preferring to sell bug-musk and tend their herds of giant insects amid the rocky hills and islands of the extreme northeast.

Members of the House can rise through the ranks by eliminating or otherwise 'indisposing' other members, and stealing from other Telvanni and living shows that you deserve it. Most Telvanni lords want little more than to be left alone to their research and ambitions, although many did enjoy the friendly company of their neighbors rather than remaining in isolation. As passionate isolationists, they disdain to claim new holdings. A minority of wizards-lords called "rogue Telvanni" are highly ambitious and egocentric, and were known to compete ruthlessly among themselves for arcane mastery and to control and exploit Vvardenfell's resources. The House believed that these young wizards were expendable, and would be less trouble to the rest of the Telvanni if they were off on Vvardenfell island stirring up trouble with the other colonists. House Telvanni publicly denies supporting the rogue settlements.

They neighbor the Indoril District, and through their kinship with the legendary Tribunes the Indoril dominated many of their borders on the mainland for over 3,000 years up until the Armistice, resulting in the Telvanni keeping to themselves on the far-off edges of the province. In general, the Telvanni did not interact with other Houses or Guilds, nor did they have many enemies save for Abolitionists and the Imperial Mages Guild, and did not intend to be presided over by any other institutions (particularly the Guild of the Third Era and their monopoly). However, the Telvanni themselves were universally disliked or disapproved of by all other factions found in Vvardenfell as late as 3E 427. On the other hand, the Telvanni did not have the usual hatred of vampires that most other factions held. Their lords and Mouths were willing to speak to vampires; wizards did not fear vampires nearly as much as other folk did.

House Tharn[edit]

House Tharn is a noble Imperial family from Cheydinhal. They have held estates in and around the Nibenay Basin since the early parts of the First Era. Once the family established itself as one of reliability and utmost loyalty, they were used more and more to subjugate and eliminate Imperial dissenters. By the time of the Interregnum the family had established itself as one of the most important and involved families in the Empire.
